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Voici une liste non exhaustive de plusieurs publications qui traitent du domaine de la zoothérapie ou plus généralement de la relation homme-animal de compagnie. Il en existe bien sûr plein d’autres.


Ouvrages en français (* recommandés)

* Arenstein, G.H. & Gilbert,G. (Eds) (2008). La zoothérapie - une thérapie hors du commun.

* Arenstein, G.H. & Lessard,J. (2011) La Zoothérapie : Nouvelles avancées. 

   Assemat, A. (2008). La mémoire en activité(s) : Guide pour les professionnels en gériatrie.

* Béata, C. & Zoopsy (2009). L'attachement.

   Beiger, F. (2008). L'enfant et la médiation animale : Une nouvelle approche de la zoothérapie.

   Beiger, F. & Jean, A. (2011). Autisme et zoothérapie - Communication et apprentissages par la médiation animale.

   Belin, B. (2000). Animaux au secours du handicap.

   Chiris, B. & Barbier, M. (2006). S'épanouir à cheval : Equitation et développement personnel.

   Claude, I. (2010). Le cheval, miroir de nos émotions.

* Cyrulnik, B. & Lou Matignon, K. (2011). La Fabuleuse aventure des hommes et des animaux.

   de Palma, M., (2013).  Entre l'humain et l'animal : De la zoothérapie à la télépathie.

   de Wailly, P., Lambert, G.& Vitoux, F. (2009). Ces animaux qui nous guérissent.

   Durville, H. (2012). Le Magnétisme des animaux, zoothérapie (Éd.1896).

   Galletier, A. (210). Pourquoi les chevaux nous font tant de bien.

   Isaacson, R.(2011). L'enfant cheval : La quête d'un père aux confins du monde pour guérir son fils autiste

* Lou Matignon, K. (2003). Sans les animaux le monde ne serait pas humain.

* Melson, G.F. & Cyrulnik, B. (2009). Les animaux dans la vie des enfants.

   Montagner, H. (2002). L'enfant et l'animal. Les émotions qui libèrent l'intelligence.

   Moulé, L. (1921). La Zoothérapie au temps de Dioscoride et de Pline. Les Vertébrés.

   Muller, C. (1993). L'enfance entre chiens et chats.

   Pelletier-Milet, C. (2010). Poneys et chevaux au secours de l'autisme.

   Pelletier-Milet, C. (2004). Un poney pour être grand : Psychopédagogie du jeune enfant.

   Vermeulen, P. (2014). Comment pense une personne autiste ?

   Viaud, G. (2013). De la Zoothérapie, ou traitement de l'homme malade par les animaux sains (Éd. 1895).

   Victor, J.-L. (2004). Ces animaux qui nous font du bien... 

   Victor-Levy, B. (2010). Ma vie avec ces Animaux qui guérissent.


Ouvrages en anglais (* recommandés)

   Altschiller, D. (2011). Animal Asissted Therapy.

   Anderson, D. C. (2006). Assessing the Human-Animal Bond: A Compendium of Actual

   Anderson, P.E. (2008). The Powerful Bond between People and Pets: Our Boundless

* Anderson, R. K., Hart, B. L. & Hart L. A. (Eds.) (1984). The pet connection. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota.

   Arkow, P. & Human Society of the Pikes Peak Region (1990). Pet therapy.

* Beck, A., Katcher, A. & Marshall Thomas, E. (1996). Between Pets and People: The Importance of Animal                         Companionship

   Beker, M. (2002). Healing Powers of Pets, Harnessing the Amazing Ability of Pets to Make and Keep People Happy       and Healthy 

   Bekoff, M. & (2008). The Emotional Lives of Animals: A Leading Scientist Explores Animal Joy, Sorrow, and Empathy -     and Why They Matter.

   Butler, K. (2013). Therapy Dogs Today: Their Gifts, Our Obligation

   Butler, K. (2004). Therapy Dogs: Compassionate Modalities

   Chandler, C-K. (2011). Animal Assisted Therapy in Counseling

   Crawford, J.J., Pomerinke, K.A. & Smith D.W. (2003). Therapy Pets: The Animal-Human Healing Partnership 

* Cusack, O. & Smith, E. (1984). Pets and the Elderly: The Therapeutic Bond.

* Cusack, O. (1988). Pets and Mental Health

   Diamond Davis, K. (2002). Therapy Dogs: Training Your Dog to Reach Others

   Dobbs Gross, P. (2005). The Golden Bridge: A Guide to Assistance Dogs for Children Challenged By Autism or Other     Devel. Disabilities

* Fine, A.(Ed.) (2000). Handbook on animal-assisted therapy : Theoretical foundations ands guidelines for practice.

* Folge, B. (1981). Interrelations between people and pets.

   Graham, B. (2000). Creature Comfort: Animals That Heal 

* Katcher, A. H., Beck, A. M. (Eds.), 1983. New Perspectives in Our Lives with Companion Animals. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press.

   King, L. (2007) Animal-Assisted Therapy: A Guide For Professional Counselors, School Counselors, Social Workers, and Educators 

* Levinson, B., M., (1972). Pets and Human development.

* Levinson, B.M. & Mallon, G.P. (1997). Pet-Oriented Child Psychotherapy 

* Pavlides, M. (2008). Animal-Assisted Interventions for Individuals with Autism. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 

* Pichot, T. & Coutler, M. (2007). Animal-Assisted Brief Therapy: A Solution-focused Approach (Haworth Brief Therapy) Yvonne Dolan (Editor

* Podberscek, A., Paul, E. S., Serpell, J. (Eds) (2000). Companion animals and us: Exploring the relationship between people and pets. 

* Robinson, I. (Ed.) (1995). The Waltham Book of Human Animal Interaction: Benefits and Responsibilities of Pet Ownership. Pergamon Press.

   Sakson, S. (2009). Paws & Effect: The Healing Power of Dogs 

* Salotto, P. (2001).  Pet Assisted Therapy: A Loving Intervention and an Emerging Profession--Leading to a Friendlier, Healthier, and More Peaceful World

* Serpell, J. A. (Ed.), 1995. The Domestic Dog : its evolution, behaviour and interactions with people. Cambridge :  Cambridge University Press.

* Serpell, J. A. (1986). In the Company of Animals. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

* Wilson, C., C., & Turner, D. C. (Eds.) (1999). Companion animals in human health. Thousand Oaks, CA, USA: Sage  Publications.


Quelques articles scientifiques

Barak, Y.; Savorai, O.; Mavashev, S. & Beni, A., 2001. Animal-assisted therapy for elderly schizophrenic patients: A one-year controlled trial. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Vol 9 (4): 439-442.


Batson, K.; McCabe, B.; Baun, M.-M. & Wilson, C., 1998. The effect of a therapy dog on socialization and physiological indicators of stress in persons diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. In C. C. Wilson & D. C. Turner (Eds.), Companion animals in health (pp. 203-215). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Beck,A.M.; Katcher,A.H.,  1984. A new look at pet-facilitated psychotherapy. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 184, 414-421.


Bossard, J. H., 1944. The mental hygiene of owning a dog. Mental Hygiene, 28, 408-413.

Brickel, C. M., 1986. Pet-facilitated therapies : A review of the literature and clinical implementation considerations. Clinical Gerontologist, 5(3-4), 309-332.


Corson, S. A. & Corson, E., 1980. Pet animals as nonverbal communication mediators in psychotherapy in institutional settings. In S. A. Corson and E. O’Leary Corson (Eds.), Ethology and nonverbal communication in mental health. Oxford, England : Pergamon Press.


Freud, S., 1959. The interpretation of dreams.  New York, Basic books.


Friedmann, E.; Katcher, A. H.; Lynch, J. J. & Thomas, S., 1980. Animal companions and one-year survival of patients after discharge from a coronary care unit. Public Health Reports, 95, 307-312. 

Gorczyca, K.; Fine, A.-H. & Spain, C., 2000. History, theory, and development of human-animal support services for people with AIDS and other chronic/terminal illnesses. In A. H. Fine (Ed.), Handbook of animal-assisted therapy (pp.253-302). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.


Granger, B. P.; Kogan, L.; Fitchett, J. & Helmer, K., 1998. A human-animal intervention team approach to animal-assisted therapy. Anthrozoos, Vol 11 (3): 172-176.


Heindl, B.-A., 1996. The effectiveness of pet therapy as an intervention in a community-based children's day treatment program. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 57 (4 A): 1501.


Iannone, V. N.,  2003.  Evaluation of a vocational and therapeutic riding program for severely emotionally disturbed adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, Vol 64 (3 B): 1493.


Johnson, W. L., 1997. The effects of pet encounter therapy on mood states and social facilitation in nursing home residents. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Oct 1997; Vol 58 (4 B): 2124.

Law, S. & Scott, S., 1995. Tips for practitioners: Pet care: A vehicle for learning. Focus on Autistic Behavior, Vol 10 (2): 17-18.


Levinson, B. M., 1962. The dog as co-therapist. Mental Hygiene, 46, 59-65.


Lieber, J. S., 2003. Animal-assisted therapy for elementary students with emotional or behavioral disorders. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol 63 (7 A): 2505.


Limond, J. A.; Bradshaw, J. W. S.; Cormack, M., 1997. Behavior of children with learning disabilities interacting with a therapy dog. Anthrozoos, Vol 10 (2-3): 84-89.


Mallon, G. P., 1994. Cow as co-therapist: Utilization of farm animals as therapeutic aides with children in residential treatment. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, Vol 11 (6): 455-474.


Mcvarish, C.-A., 1995. The effects of pet-facilitated therapy on depressed institutionalized inpatients. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering, Vol 55 (7 B): 3019.


Nathanson, D. E., de Castro, D., Friend, H.; & McMahon, M. , 1997. Effectiveness of short-term dolphin-assisted therapy for children with severe disabilities. Anthrozoos, Vol 10 (2-3): 90-100.


Redefer, L.A. & Goodman, J.F. (1989). Brief Report: Pet-facilitated Therapy with Autistic Children, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 19, 3, 461-467. 


Reichert, E., 1994. Play and animal-assisted therapy: A group-treatment model for sexually abused girls ages 9-13. Family Therapy, Vol 21 (1): 55-62.


Schwartz, A. & Patronek, G., 2002. Methodological issues in studying the anxiety-reducing effects of animals: Reflections from a pediatric dental study. Anthrozoos, Vol 15 (4): 290-298.


Servais, V., 1999. Some comments on context embodiment in zootherapy: The case of the Autidolfin project. Anthrozoos, Vol 12 (1): 5-15.


Shalev, A. & Ben Mordehai, D., 1996. Snakes: Interactions with children with disabilities and the elderly-some psychological considerations. Anthrzöos, Vol 9 (4): 182-187.

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